Helping Community and Hospital Pharmacists transition in to GP surgery roles

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Supporting Pharmacists

Equip yourself with necessary knowledge and skills
CPA GP Software courses

Expand your technical skills

We aim to give a comprehensive understanding of GP software. From accessing the interface, to consultations, issuing prescriptions, running searches and more! These workshops will give you a detailed walk-through of the essentials required to hit the ground running when working in a GP setting.

clinical pharmacist acadyit how to run audit

Become a Quality Improvement Expert

The Running and Implementing Audits in Primary Care training programme provides you with the skills and knowledge to undertake high quality clinical audits. From running searches and carrying out the 6 steps of the audit cycle to completing your audit write up, this training programme will ensure that you set the GOLD standard for undertaking quality improvement work in your GP surgery.

clinical pharmacist academy asthma

Develop your Clinical Skills

The A-Z of running Asthma Review Clinics training programme covers everything you need to know to set up and run your own Asthma Clinics in General Practice. From pathophysiology of asthma, pharmacological management of asthma, to inhaler techniques and asthma annual reviews! This workshop will enable you to safely and efficiently provide the highest quality of care to patients diagnosed with asthma.

clinical pharmacist academy structured medication review

Deliver SMRs Safely and Efficiently

If you are currently working as a PCN Pharmacist, it is likely you will be asked to undertake some Structured Medication Reviews (SMRs) as a part of your role. This training programme will support you in getting started by guiding you with regards to what patients are suitable for SMRs and why, the importance of Medicines Optimisation in SMRs and finally how to put it all into practice so that you can begin supporting patients through undertaking thorough SMRs.

CPA Certified


Certified courses to guide you in your career development and learn everything you need to start working in a GP surgery

Cpa accessible


All courses are available on demand. Access your course in your free time anywhere.

cpa support


Online Support is available in each course to further strengthen your learnings.

What People Say About Us

"I really enjoyed the training session. The instructor provided excellent support and advice on becoming a good clinician as well as using the system. He was able to conduct the session in a very clear and concise manner. I was able to practice and develop my skills under his guidance in a friendly environment."

cpa feedback
Amir Anwar, London

"Whilst working with Clinical Pharmacist Solutions (CPS) I interviewed many pharmacists. I soon noticed that even pharmacists with experience in a GP surgery were not equipped with the necessary knowledge to deliver the Clinical Pharmacist service safely and efficiently. This training has been used for our internal candidates who are now valuable & trusted members of their practice team."

CPA Runa Salim
Runa Salim (CPS Clinical Lead)

"The videos and questions were very useful. Videos were concise but explained everything very well.I already have some experience with S1 , but the sections on repeats etc were particularly useful for me as I don’t think I was trained particularly well during my induction so everything was learned ‘on the go.Looking forward to the level-2 section and the workshop this weekend.Thank you again! "

cpa feedback
Alex N., London

"I was thoroughly impressed with the superb online training course for EMIS. The content was very clear and easy to follow and gave me an excellent base to commence using the system in my role as a Advance Nurse Practitioner. The WhatsApp support group is a great idea if you have any questions you need answering. I've just started the SystmOne training as a refresher and it looks equally high quality and helpful. Highly recommend using these training courses."

cpa feedback
Katie Carter
Advance Nurse Practitioner

Companies we work with


Best-selling training programmes

Pharmacist Support

Supporting Pharmacists

Pharmacist Support is an independent, trusted charity, providing a wide variety of support services to pharmacists and their families, former pharmacists and pharmacy students.

Clinical Pharmacist Academy is a Pharmacist run organisation and understands the difficulties our colleagues can face. We are proud to support Pharmacist Support and pledge £5 from selected training programme enrolments through this platform. 

Our aim is to support Pharmacists to transition and accelerate their development within the Primary Care sector. We want to see all Pharmacists utilise their unique skillset and fulfil the great potential that they have in Primary Care.

If you are a Pharmacist, we would encourage you to check their website for all the support available to you.